Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lisa Gardner's Tips for Writers

Today is one of those days, but I'm not going to stress out about it. I've gotten no writing done, because the kid needed dental work, the dog needed food, and we all needed mom (me) to hit the Costco, and, and, and. I could go on but it would bore you.

Did I mention laundry? There is a mountain of it in the laundry room. I walk past, knowing I should go inside and deal with it. Sometimes I open the door and peer in. But for some reason, I keep closing it again and flopping down on the sofa to watch Pokemon with Max, as his anesthesia wears off. Am I the only mom who cries watching these movies? Why do they make those darling animals battle each other? Why must someone always sacrifice himself at the end? Why is the music so sad? Gee, ya think I've got PMS, or what?

Couple more questions: How do moms write novels? Will someone please tell me? JK Rowling just confessed to a reporter that she felt suicidal in the years before publication. At least I'm not that low yet. Yet. Grr. This is hard work, eh? I really do need to stay up late tonight and force myself to get at least five pages done.

I found a great list of very helpful essays on writing romantic suspense fiction by Lisa Gardner, one of my favorite writers. If you haven't checked it out, I highly recommend it! Click here to see it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll do a load of laundry. No, really.

Well, maybe not.


Go Mama said...

Skip the laundry and have a drink!
Then get to work! Write just a paragraph and then you'll start to flow....

Jess said...

I agree, have a drink. :)

Interesting tidbit about JK Rowling.

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I found my way here from suzyidentitycrisis' blog. I like how you write - easy going and warm. Good on you for trying to write a novel with three kids on the go. I'm surprised you have any energy at all at the end of the day. The secret is to steal even ten minutes a day and wright even if you think it's rubbish. You can always edit! Someone wise ove at Lanes wright blog told me that if you don't wright then you can't edit! Or summat like that!
Good luck

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Oops did you notice in my last message that I can't even spell write properly! I am a numpty of the first order.

Unknown said...

I worked out of my home for a few years and found that because I was Mom and I was at home, then I was fair game to everyone's needs and wants.

I think you are going to have to dig in and set some ground rules with hours that you just won't be available because you will be "At Work".

Have a Great Day Jen.

Judypatooote said...

HI Jen, I came over from JO's blog. .....I just want to say good luck.....I agree with JO, you have to set time aside to write.... my daughter is writing a novel, I read the first 5 chapters, and I'm real excited to read more..... but her time is hers, for her daughter is grown....but keep on writing, for it will all be worth it when your done.....I love writing poems, and photography.... judy

Karyn Lyndon said...

Hey, Jen. You made a comment on my blog wanting to know if you could ask some questions. Ask away!

violetlady said...

Laundry -- yuch. My laundry room is a staging area of laundry in various states - unwashed, washed but not folded, and waiting to be ironed.
To get your writing done you are just going to have to forget about the laundry!

Jen McGrath said...


Thanks for all these helpful comments. I'm setting a schedule, just like a person with a "real" job, and I'm going to be firm - mommy can't do laundry right now. Or anything but write!

We'll see how the family handles it...